Species: Patagonian toothfish.
Scientific name:Dissostichus eleginoides. Presentation and packaging: according to client’s requests. Origins: TAAF-France, South Africa. Catching method: longline fishing. Certification: MSC certification is possible.
Patagonian toothfish has a melting white flesh, with a high level of Omega-3.
Species: yellowfin tuna, albacore tuna, bigeye tuna, skipjack tuna. Scientific name: Thunnusalbacares, Thunnusalalunga, Thunnusobesus, Katsuwonuspelamis. Presentation and packaging: according to client’s requests. Origins: French Polynesia, Indian Ocean. Catching methods: hooks and lines, or purse seine fishing. Certification: MSC certification is possible.
Expert in tuna for more than 60 years, we decided to go further in mastering this sector. In 2017, we created Armement Tahiti Tuna. Thanks to our two boats, Ulysse 1 and 2, we can offer MSC tuna, line-caught and frozen on board. We also offer other origins, from the Indian Ocean.
Species: dogfish.
Scientific name:Squalus acanthias. Presentation and packaging: according to client’s requests. Origins: USA. Catching methods : hook and line or gillnets. Certification: MSC certification is possible.
From loins to portions, we can supply dogfish all year round, sourced from Massachusetts USA.
Farmed salmon
Farmed salmon
Farmed salmon
Species: Atlantic Salmon, Coho salmon.
Scientific name:Salmo salar, Oncorhyncus kisutch. Presentation and packaging: according to client’s requests. Origins: Chile, Norway and United Kingdom.
We offer salmon raised in Chile, Norway and United Kingdom, thanks to our partners with whom we have worked for many years.
Species: skate.
Scientific names:Leucoraja ocellata, Leucoraja erinacea. Presentation and packaging: according to client’s requests. Origin: USA. Certification: MSC certification is possible.
Skate is a fish very easy to cook, we offer it in wings or portions.
Species: monkfish.
Scientific names:Lophius americanus, Lophius vomerinus. Presentation and packaging: according to client’s requests. Origins: USA, South Africa. Catching method: gillnets.
With its dense and firm flesh, monkfish is a noble fish we offer in the form of fillets, tails, or portions.
John Dory
John Dory
John Dory
Species: John Dory.
Scientific name:Zeus capensis. Presentation and packaging: according to client’s requests. Origins: South Africa, Namibia.
John Dory is a noble fish with delicate and tasty flesh and is very easy to cook. We offer it skinless, boneless, in fillets.
Tongue sole
Tongue sole
Tongue sole
Species: tongue sole.
Scientific name:Cynoglossus senegalensis. Presentation and packaging: according to client’s requests. Origin: Senegal.
Tongue sole is a soft-tasting fish with white flesh, we offer it in fillets and ring fillets.
Alaska pollock
Alaska pollock
Alaska pollock
Species: Alaska pollock.
Scientific name:Theragra chalcogramma. Presentation and packaging: according to client’s requests. Origins: China. Certification: MSC certification is possible.
Alaska pollock is a fish with a delicate and very tender taste. We offer it skinless, boneless; in the form of fillets, cubes, and portions of fillets blocks.